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The Golf Beginner Guide is an eBook filled with info for the beginning golfer. Get it today!
Some Geat Golf Tips
by Lee MacRae
Here are some great tips to help improve your game from tee-off to the final hole.
Many golfers lift their front foot on their backswing. This can lead to a reverse weight shift, where weight is actually shifted to the front side on the backswing. This can result in a hook or shank shot. Keep your front foot planted on the ground on your backswing, which will promote a proper hip and shoulder turn and get you into a "coil" position setting you up for increased power. Just don't forget to shift your weight to your back side.
Jack Nicklaus has often said that one his swing keys is to keep his clubhead traveling along the target line [an imaginary straight line between ball and target] as long as possible. It's a good thought, and because it helps you extend through the ball on the follow-through instead of "quitting" at impact, that is, not completing the follow-through. To keep the clubhead down the target line, imagine the target line extending toward your target and then focus on keeping the clubhead traveling along that line.
Ball position is a key in generating more power in your drives. Setting up the ball too far forward or back in your stance will limit your power. If the ball is too far back in your stance, you will strike the ball potentially on your downswing. With a very small angle to begin with, it is virtually impossible to hit a good drive on your downswing with the ball too far back in your stance. The proper position is somewhere in between the width of your front foot.
Remember that your golf eqiupment is not the whole story. Techinique plays a large part in how long and straight you drive the ball. Diligently practice using tips like these and your will see a great deal of improvement in your teee shots.
Practice anytime and anywhere with a good golf cage today!
Some Golf Ideas
Some things to know and practice: First, and most important search and ask around about a respected golf instructor in your area, and get them to give you information on their program prior to starting an instructional series. You don't want someone giving you advice who is not qualified, and can impart poor information that can create bad habits.
...PGA professional golf
The reason for good extension in the follow through is to keep the clubface accelerating at impact! The reason that the slice is so common is that many players try to keep the clubface angle square to the target throught and after impact. This actually opens the face,resulting in a left to right spin to the ball (Slice).
...LPGA tips
Many swing faults occur from an improper setup. This can cause unnecessary adjustments during the swing. Taking care to position the ball, feet, hips and shoulders properly ensures building a good swing foundation. Testing has shown golfers with open stances show no more tendency to slice than golfers with closed stances. The open stance may give the golfers a little more opportunity to slice, because it allows a little more freedom in the downswing and follow-though. The square stance is used by most successful golfers. Beginners should start with a square stance. As you advance, you can experiment with the advantages of other stances. Avoid extreme stances. Experiment to find the stance that works best for you. Take care to set up consistently on all normal shots.
...Golf Help
Bottom Out
Notice how the logo on my shirt has moved closer to the target at impact than it was at address. The bottom of the swing will occur under the logo, making it a must to get it past the ball if you want to make ball-first contact.
...Golf Tips magazine
Posture Not Perfect
Unless you're young or unusually flexible, you're not going to look like Tiger Woods at address. Stay relaxed rather than forcing your back straight.
...Golf Tips magazine
Golf Related News
Irwin, Han Win with Titleist on Champions, LPGA Tours
Wed, 05 Oct 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Three more wins this week advances Titleist's worldwide golf ball victory count to 134, over 100 more than the nearest competitor with 29.
Comment: Iain Carter column
Tue, 18 Mar 2008 07:49:40 GMT
"Where Ogilvy was most impressive was in the key short game"
golf club reviews

The Golf Beginner Guide is an eBook filled with info for the beginning golfer. Get it today!
Some Geat Golf Tips
by Lee MacRae
Here are some great tips to help improve your game from tee-off to the final hole.
Many golfers lift their front foot on their backswing. This can lead to a reverse weight shift, where weight is actually shifted to the front side on the backswing. This can result in a hook or shank shot. Keep your front foot planted on the ground on your backswing, which will promote a proper hip and shoulder turn and get you into a "coil" position setting you up for increased power. Just don't forget to shift your weight to your back side.
Jack Nicklaus has often said that one his swing keys is to keep his clubhead traveling along the target line [an imaginary straight line between ball and target] as long as possible. It's a good thought, and because it helps you extend through the ball on the follow-through instead of "quitting" at impact, that is, not completing the follow-through. To keep the clubhead down the target line, imagine the target line extending toward your target and then focus on keeping the clubhead traveling along that line.
Ball position is a key in generating more power in your drives. Setting up the ball too far forward or back in your stance will limit your power. If the ball is too far back in your stance, you will strike the ball potentially on your downswing. With a very small angle to begin with, it is virtually impossible to hit a good drive on your downswing with the ball too far back in your stance. The proper position is somewhere in between the width of your front foot.
Remember that your golf eqiupment is not the whole story. Techinique plays a large part in how long and straight you drive the ball. Diligently practice using tips like these and your will see a great deal of improvement in your teee shots.
Practice anytime and anywhere with a good golf cage today!
Some Golf Ideas
Some things to know and practice: First, and most important search and ask around about a respected golf instructor in your area, and get them to give you information on their program prior to starting an instructional series. You don't want someone giving you advice who is not qualified, and can impart poor information that can create bad habits.
...PGA professional golf
The reason for good extension in the follow through is to keep the clubface accelerating at impact! The reason that the slice is so common is that many players try to keep the clubface angle square to the target throught and after impact. This actually opens the face,resulting in a left to right spin to the ball (Slice).
...LPGA tips
Many swing faults occur from an improper setup. This can cause unnecessary adjustments during the swing. Taking care to position the ball, feet, hips and shoulders properly ensures building a good swing foundation. Testing has shown golfers with open stances show no more tendency to slice than golfers with closed stances. The open stance may give the golfers a little more opportunity to slice, because it allows a little more freedom in the downswing and follow-though. The square stance is used by most successful golfers. Beginners should start with a square stance. As you advance, you can experiment with the advantages of other stances. Avoid extreme stances. Experiment to find the stance that works best for you. Take care to set up consistently on all normal shots.
...Golf Help
Bottom Out
Notice how the logo on my shirt has moved closer to the target at impact than it was at address. The bottom of the swing will occur under the logo, making it a must to get it past the ball if you want to make ball-first contact.
...Golf Tips magazine
Posture Not Perfect
Unless you're young or unusually flexible, you're not going to look like Tiger Woods at address. Stay relaxed rather than forcing your back straight.
...Golf Tips magazine
Golf Related News
Irwin, Han Win with Titleist on Champions, LPGA Tours
Wed, 05 Oct 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Three more wins this week advances Titleist's worldwide golf ball victory count to 134, over 100 more than the nearest competitor with 29.
Comment: Iain Carter column
Tue, 18 Mar 2008 07:49:40 GMT
"Where Ogilvy was most impressive was in the key short game"
golf club reviews
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